Monday, November 30, 2009

Coloring attempt... parts one and two?

I tried to color something digitally a few months ago and realized I really know nothing about shading or color theory. Bright colors that don't clash, right? This is how that turned out:

I tried again this weekend using colored pencils. It only takes me half an hour to draw the crab, but a whopping six hours to color it! Goodness gracious. I still need to make the little guy eat something tasty.

Illustrations - Random bus doodles

Random bus doodles while sitting on the N car to and from work. Sometimes I like staring at people talking on the phone while drawing because they think I'm drawing them. I like making them feel a little self-conscious.

Illustrations - My Stuffed Kitty!

I always loved the squitten thing... you know, head of a kitten, body of a squid. Anyway, most of my doodles and drawings aren't too expressive. They're blank-faced cephs that stare off into a distance. I tried to give these guys a little more life, but I'm not sure if that was exactly achieved. What do you think?

Illustrations - Sweet Cephalopods!

Just a few illustrations I've been doing on the bus for the past year or so. You can see an obvious ongoing theme. I just thought I should lump it together in one area. These were part of my sweet cephalopod! series.